Girly Lifestyle Realtor

Stylebook contains affordable cute fashion for under $100

I have a talent for putting together cute and affordable outfits. I pride myself on putting together ensembles for under $100 and finding the best sales for quality and stylish pieces.

Posts tagged queenofcupcakedresses
Fashion nova, the trendy affordable online boutique

Fashion Nova is an online boutique with trendy, quality and affordable pieces. It's one of the largest online boutiques with over 16 million followers on Instagram, which is where I first came across the brand

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Lace top + black and white skirt

I purchased this dainty turquoise lace top eons ago from Forever21. The top remains in good condition after all these years. Not even the style of the shirt has become outdated. I am able to pair this top with any bottom, and the shirt always makes the outfit stand out.

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Pink baby doll dress

Do you suffer from bouts of pinkness? Do you buy an overwhelming amount of pink stuff just because it’s pink? Do you say things like, “I wish this came in pink?” Do you look in the mirror and see the character Elle Woods from the movie Legally Blonde?

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