Girly Lifestyle Realtor

Stylebook contains affordable cute fashion for under $100

I have a talent for putting together cute and affordable outfits. I pride myself on putting together ensembles for under $100 and finding the best sales for quality and stylish pieces.

Lace top + black and white skirt

I purchased this dainty turquoise lace top eons ago from Forever21. The top remains in good condition after all these years. Not even the style of the shirt has become outdated. I am able to pair this top with any bottom, and the shirt always makes the outfit stand out. The vibrant turquoise color looks great on any skin tone. Since my signature style is the cupcake dress or skirt look, I knew the top would be a fabulous fit with one of my many skater skirts. The black and white skater skirt was designed to look amazing with the lace top. The brightness of the top even photographed well and created a nice contrast.

The top is featured with a pair of high-waisted jeans. I'm not bragging, but I am patting myself on the back for purchasing quality pieces that are able to be worn with multiple styles. Good quality staple pieces of clothing can really maximize your budget.