Girly Lifestyle Realtor
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About fashion goddess that loves traveling and lifestyle blogger that shares relationship tips

Hi, my name is Shelly and I am a fashion/lifestyle blogger. I decided to pursue blogging as a means to have an electronic journal which chronicles my life story. My story has evolved beyond fashion into being a travel enthusiast and being able to visit different places around the world. Now, my world is broader as a wife and mom, viewing places and experiencing the newness through the lenses of my kids. 

I'm a collector of experiences and colorful stories created by friends and myself. I enjoy sharing those stories for growth, self-awareness and to show others that we are all the same with certain uniqueness, so let’s laugh at our craziness together.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that I'm a snappy dresser? My style developed from growing up in a household where expensive clothing was off the table due to our financial situation. With that, my creativity came alive as I realized my talent for putting together cute and affordable outfits. Now, I pride myself on putting together ensembles for under $100 and finding the best sales for quality and stylish pieces.

I look forward to all of the places that my stories, travels, cute and affordable fashions will take us.


Hi, my name is Shelly and I am a lifestyle blogger. I decided to pursue blogging as a means to have an electronic journal which chronicles my life story. My story has evolved beyond fashion into being a travel enthusiast and being able to visit different places around the world. Now, my world is broader as a wife and mom, viewing places and experiencing the newness through the lenses of my kids. 

I'm a collector of experiences and colorful stories created by friends and myself. I enjoy sharing those stories for growth, self-awareness and to show others that we are all the same with certain uniqueness, so let’s laugh at our craziness together.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that I'm a snappy dresser? My style developed from growing up in a household where expensive clothing was off the table due to our financial situation. With that, my creativity came alive as I realized my talent for putting together cute and affordable outfits. Now, I pride myself on putting together ensembles for under $100 and finding the best sales for quality and stylish pieces.

I look forward to all of the places that my stories, travels, cute and affordable fashions will take us.


I love getting to know my followers — you guys are part of my online family! Some fun facts about me: I’m a wife, mom, and most importantly, a devoted daughter to the one and living God, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. My fashion choices are often inspired by the treasures I find at the Jeff Bezos Boutique, also known as Amazon. I can quote movie lines like nobody’s business and any quiet night at home, you can catch me watching Golden Girls on repeat. I’m pretty much obsessed with pink frilly things, bows, backpacks, boxes, and of course cupcake dresses.