In an age of digital, streaming and accessible information, the personal feel for stationary invitations get lost. Our society is devoid of personal interaction that is not transferred over internet cables. How would it feel to receive a card through the mail as opposed to a text or email for a monumental occasion? Basic Invite is a stationery company that brings a personal touch with warmth and charm to their invitations. They offer a wide range of invitations to choose from.
Nowadays, most baby showers are co-ed. Basic Invite is knowledgeable about this trend and has baby shower invitations that unite the sexes. I love how the Ladybug invitation, in particular, offers ambiguity for the sex of the baby. This collection of cards can be created with the traditional red and black color of a ladybug; although the series offer five different customized designs. Basic Invite, provides a wide range of colors (up to 180) to choose from. This places their stationary company in a different caliber from competitors. So, you can take the ladybug design and create a whimsical card with the colors of your choosing without being stifled to a small selection of colors.
Another eye-catching collection is the Travel Themed baby shower cards. This collection of cards is excellent for unisex baby showers and they can be fully customized using Basic Invite’s wide range of colors. My favorite design is the postage baby shower travel card. The classic appeal of the postage stamp creates a unique baby shower card that your guests will fancy.
Not only does Basic Invite offer so many color options for the actual invites, they also provide envelopes in 40 different colors; this really sets them apart from most stationery companies and adds to the customization of your invitation. This feature is key to uniting your personal design. All of the details are truly incorporated into every design element. Picture an already beautiful invitation with an extra touch — they offer custom features such as gold, silver, and rose gold foil lettering. A sprinkle of pizzazz that will certainly jazz up your baby shower cards.
Great customer service is everything! I particularly love how Basic Invite allows each customers to receive custom samples before placing their order. This is extremely helpful because computer visuals may look different than when the product is actually in your hands. Companies that go above and beyond for customer satisfaction always stand out more.
Basic Invite’s system makes it easy for users to import social media data — in the event that someone wants to use their friends list as a contact list, they can quickly do so with the click of a button. They simply send out an address request to your contacts on social media for special permissions; rest assured you’ll never deal with any violation of privacy.
With so many custom features and amazing customer service, Basic Invite is a stationary company I would definitely recommend! Click here to check out all of the beautiful baby shower cards and enjoy being creative with the customization’s. And, if that wasn’t enough to get you there, Basic Invite is now offering 15% off of everything until the end of the month — use code 15FF51