Girly Lifestyle Realtor

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I’m a collector of experiences and colorful stories created by friends and myself. I enjoy sharing those relationship stories for growth, self-awareness and to show others that we are all the same with certain uniqueness.

Are you a Pinkoholic?

The Seven Ways To Detox From Pink


Do you suffer from bouts of pinkness? Do you buy an overwhelming amount of pink stuff just because it’s pink? Do you say things like, “I wish this came in pink?” Do you look in the mirror and see the character Elle Woods from the movie Legally Blonde? If you said yes to any of these questions, you my dear are a Pinkoholic.

The symptoms are incurable but can be controlled with certain medications, like staying clear of places, things, and activities that will bring out your inner pink-neurosis.

  1. Avoid all contact with places that sell an overwhelming amount of pink, like Hello Kitty or Victoria’s Secret.

  2. Stay home during Valentine’s Day and don’t watch TV. Better yet, watch a scary movie.

  3. If you come in contact with pink, say to yourself: there are other colors as beautiful as pink that deserves your attention.

  4. Pink is just the color red and white mixed together. Go befriend the colors red and white.

  5. If you look in the mirror and your outfit rivals “The Pink Panther”, remove all pink items except one. Less is sometimes best.

  6. Spend time with one of your beige friends and hopefully their monotone color will rub off.

  7. Repeat after me: you can explore other colors and still be a girly, feminine gal — wearing pink isn’t necessary for this.



This cute baby doll dress caught my attention because of its simplicity. The empire fitted bodice that flare into a cupcake is my signature style of dress. I purchased a small since the dress flared out and only needed to fit my blossoms. The dress reminds of the material used for a wet-suit. Who needs a float when your dress is not only stylish, but also ready to be activated as a floater?

The bubblegum pink color does not need a lot of accessories and I paired the dress with a beige Mary Jane heel. The dress also came in sky blue, but due to my pink-neurosis and failing the seven-step program, I purchased it in the color I adore: pink.

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