Girly Lifestyle Realtor

Stylebook contains affordable cute fashion for under $100

I have a talent for putting together cute and affordable outfits. I pride myself on putting together ensembles for under $100 and finding the best sales for quality and stylish pieces.

Black and White skater dress


Black and white skater dress

The secret’s out the bag… I love dresses! The shape of dress… wait for it — the skater cupcake dress style. I have a section in my closet carved out for my dresses organized by color. The striped black/white dress showcases legs, arms, and modest cleavage. I haven't dived into the world of accessories, so you will always see zero to a few accessories showcased. I'm slowly dipping my toes in this arena, but still get overwhelmed. Ladies, try not to over-accessorize an outfit that has a bold print. The dress is the focal piece and heavy accessories may take away from the look. The dress is paired with black now heels. 

Outfits details
Dress (no longer available): $20 Charlotte Russe
Shoes (no longer available): Red Dress Boutique 
