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Main Blog relationship tips stories

I’m a collector of experiences and colorful stories created by friends and myself. I enjoy sharing those relationship stories for growth, self-awareness and to show others that we are all the same with certain uniqueness.

Posts tagged datingtipsforwomen
Daytime dates for busy couples

Let's face it — time is the only thing that is constant and can never change. As a married couple with kids, finding time to spend with your partner can be challenging. A suitable and trusted sitter must be available, coordinating schedules must be achieved, a gust of energy must be found, incorporating each other date ideas must reach a happy medium and the list goes on and on.

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What would your ex say about you?

When a relationship goes astray, we may wonder, “How could I have prevented this?” The end of a relationship can be devastating for many. We tend to poll our friends and family with the never-ending questions. We seek out sources that can help us make sense of the whole debacle. Trolling the Internet for magical answers that still keep us wondering.

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